Our Pastors

Tymetric "Ty" Dillon, Sr., Lead Pastor

Pastor Tymetric Dillon, Sr. is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He and his wife, Tanisha, relocated to the Nashville, Tennessee area in June 2003 where they were blessed to be successful entrepreneurs and make Kingdom impact in the marketplace. He is the proud father of three children.

Pastor Dillon acknowledged his call to pulpit ministry in 2007 and was licensed to minister on June 7, 2008 by Apostle Amos L. Howard, Sr. After successfully completing extensive leadership training and faithfully serving in multiple leadership roles, he was appointed as Campus Pastor of Living Truth Christian Center in Gadsden, Alabama in November 2010, and officially consecrated to this position on January 3, 2011. On April 13, 2013, he and his family relocated to Gadsden to serve in ministry full-time.

After ten years of humble submission as Campus Pastor, he was released to pursue the vision that God has given him.

On January 1, 2021, The People Place was launched with a focus of reaching, reconciling, and rallying people to God. Pastor Dillon is a proven man of vision, integrity and character who is intentional to live the principles of God’s Word. His mission is to liberate and build people by communicating a relevant message of faith and freedom that helps people to live their best life. His connection to people and commitment to principles has given him profound insights that he is able to translate into practical steps toward Kingdom success. Pastor Tymetric Dillon is changing lives forSocial Icons the Kingdom of God!

Tanisha Dillon, Executive Pastor

Tanisha Dillon is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who earned her Bachelor of Business Administration from Tennessee State University.

She was raised in church and has always had a love for God and the church experience. But being raised as a “PK” (Preacher’s Kid), she wanted nothing to do with church leadership, and certainly never intended to marry a preacher!

After marrying her best friend & relocating to Tennessee, she was hired as the Children's Ministry Coordinator at Living Truth Christian Center. God used this opportunity to open her up to additional ministry and leadership training. Over the years she also served as a worship leader, intercessor, and assisted with other projects and events.

Devoted to the vision of the ministry, she assists her husband with a variety of duties to ensure that his God-given assignment is carried out.

While Tanisha is most comfortable behind the scenes, she is determined to allow God the freedom to utilize her as He sees fit to meet people, especially women, at their point of need. Her vlog,
Finding Answers In The Home (FAITH) is just one of the ways she lives out her desire to inspire and challenge women to live the life that God created them to live. She has been blessed with three beautiful children.

"I will provide a place for my people..." 2 Samuel 7:10

We can't wait to worship with you!
See you this Sunday at 10:00am.

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